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John’s Plants November

November is a relatively quiet month mainly due to poor weather conditions and  shorter daylight hours. Plant your tulip bulbs this month, some tulips persist year to year, some perform less well and are treated as bedding, and replaced every year. 

Now is also the last chance to plant out winter bedding. You could try wallflowers, forget-me-nots, BellisPrimulaViola (winter pansies) and other spring bedding plants, planting them into well- prepared ground, or pots of suitable compost. Ornamental grasses and bamboos can be cut back and tidied up at this time of year.

It is still a good time to lift and divide overgrown clumps of herbaceous perennials. Lift and store dahlias, cannas and tuberous bedding begonias that have been hit by the first frosts. Large tubs that are at risk of cracking in the frost should be covered with bubble wrap, hessian or fleece, to insulate them over the winter also raise containers onto feet or bricks to avoid them sitting in the wet as drainage is essential at this time of the year. Apply an autumn mulch to protect plants that are borderline hardy such as Agapanthus, Red hot pokers and Cape fuchsias, the plants own leaves, of the red hot pokers can be tied up and used as protection for the crown. Have a good clean up removing leaves and debris between plants as this will provide a good place for slugs and snails. Fill in gaps in flower borders with small, pot-grown herbaceous perennials and alpines, They aren’t expensive at this time of year and if planted now will make an impact in spring

Collect and dispose of all fallen rose leaves, especially those that are diseased and infected with a fungus such as Black spot. DO NOT place rose leaves on the compost heap. Bin them or burn them! Prune tall roses by one third to avoid wind rock damage. As long as the ground is not to waterlogged or frozen you can plant herbaceous perennials, shrubs, hedging, deciduous trees roses and fruit trees.

Bonfire night is a good time to burn your unwanted cuttings and leaves, Make sure there aren't any hedgehogs, or other animals in amongst your debris. If you would like to encourage birds into your garden throughout the winter months you need to create a bird friendly environment. Clean bird baths, or provide a clean source of water  if there is a frost, put out bird food and fat balls.

And finally sit back relax and plan your next years garden and changes doing as much research as possible to get it right first time. If you need any advise or quality plants and shrubs come and visit us at John’s Plants, Doncaster Road, Langold, S81 9QL or give me a call on 07979 377570 … always happy to help.