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John’s Plants September

September is generally a cooler, windier  month than August and the days are noticeably getting shorter. While there's not as much to do in the ornamental garden at this time of the year, if you have a fruit or vegetable patch, you'll be busy reaping the rewards of your hard work. It is also time start planning  your spring-flowering displays.  Get daffodils in by mid-September, along with fritillaries, crocuses and grape hyacinths. Tulip bulbs are best left until November. Don't miss out on ordering your container / bare-rooted fruit, ornamental trees and hedging in preparation for planting later.

Perennial weed are at their most vulnerable so now is a good time to eliminate them, use a good systemic weed killer and only apply as directed and never on windy days.

As Migrant birds such as swallows and house martins will begin flying south for the winter so keep bird feeders and birdbaths topped up to encourage more birds to visit your garden as autumn sets in.

With the ideal planting conditions of autumn (warm moist soil), now is the time to plant container grown shrubs, trees, fruit bushes, perennials and bulbs. The key to successful planting is to water in well. Soak the root-ball in a bucket until no air bubbles come to the surface, dig the planting hole, fill with water and allow to drain away. Place the plant in the hole, fill with soil, firm gently and water well with a watering can - this will give the plant a great advantage over one planted with a dry root-ball in a dry hole and watered only on the surface.

Prune climbing roses and rambling roses once they've finished flowering (unless they are repeat-flowering, in which case leave them).It is also important Keep your Camelias  and Rhododendrons well watered at this time of year to ensure that next year's buds develop well.  Remember to remove the three D'S any thing that is DEAD, DISEASED, or DECAYING on all your plants regardless of variety.

If you need any advice or quality garden plants and products then visit us at John’s Plants, Doncaster Road, Langold, S81 9QL

… always happy to help.